Sausal Creek Ivy League is a group of friends and artists interested in collaborating with Hedera Helix or English Ivy in creating art and material culture as a means of creatively commonning with each other and the lands and waters of the Sausal Creek Watershed in Oakland, CA. Though ivy has been our main point of entry we also collaborate with the many other of the plants elements, trash, animals and substances present on that land.
As a means of participating in the ongoing healing process the land is going through both by it's own intelligence as well as through human remediation efforts, we create inks, dyes, baskets, paper, medicine, and adornment with one of the most abundant and scorned invasive plants; English Ivy.
The art we create with these materials will be stories, images, vessels and adornment that investigate, celebrate, grieve, remember and speculate about our relationships with the place we live. And our place in its past, present and future. We hope that by creating a culture of direct interaction with English Ivy we can help keep this thriving plant in check while it holds the soil down and prevents erosion, takes up heavy metals and cleans the air around it. As we clear patches we hope to plant successions of other plants that will thrive in mutual abundance with the other plants and animals striving to live in the Sausal Creek Watershed. ​
more coming soon...